Savings Calculator

Why not use our interactive savings calculator to find out how much you could potentially save by using Privilege Plus. Simply enter your estimated "spending per month" for the categories shown below and then click the "calculate savings" button to see your savings!

Please note these figures are for illustrative purposes only. Discounts and savings vary by supplier.

Category information Spending per month information Potential savings per month information
Electrical £ £
Clothing and Footwear £ £
Food Shopping £ £
Petrol £ £
Theatre tickets and Days out £ £
Holidays and Short breaks £ £
Music, Films, Games and Books £ £
Restaurants and eating out £ £
Total spending per month £ information
Total potential savings per month £ information
Potential savings per year £ information

Please note, the figures above do not include special delivery charges which is recommended for high value voucher orders.